"Our world needs connection, and building a relationship with Fire is a great place to start. When I woo a partner, I bring chocolate and flowers;...
Sacred Fire Blog
Recent posts from Sacred Fire. Use the tags to find content of particular interest. Let us know what you’d like to read about!
Life is not a Choose Your Own Adventure
Sometimes, while I listen to what Grandfather is saying, I find myself agreeing and recognizing knowledge I already have or following closer during...
The Challenging Path is the One to Choose
Grandfather was asked about the pandemic and how hard it has made our lives. He reminded us that the difficulties we experience in these times are...
Sacrificing the Expedient for a Better Future
As I poke another corn kernel into the earth with my dirt-stained finger, I remember the sacred story of corn that Grandfather Fire told at our...
What Is It About Fire?
I was introducing a friend to the idea of starting a Fire Practice. I suggested she spend time with a candle on a regular basis, using Sacred Fire’s...
The Doorway to Adulthood: Sacred Initiation in Our Twenty-first Century World
In our modern cultures that seem to worship eternal youth—that state of being that gives us permission to be in constant pursuit of our individual...
Fires Need More Fire
So much has gone up in smoke. Unprecedented wildfires in the American West followed a year of devastating wildfires in Australia and–of all...
The Spirit of Fire
We’re surrounded by media telling us that times are grim, and the future looks bleak. But a quick look at history shows us this is nothing new....