Encounter Life As It Is

Nov 30, 2021

“Your ancestors had a far more difficult time, more than you can ever imagine. Despite their unbelievable struggles, through the strength of the human spirit and their relationship with the Divine world, they experienced that Divine forces are not out to get you, but want you to embrace Us as Life, align with Us and be guided, so you can encounter Life as it is and move well.

“There is a gap between what your ancestors knew and how you believe the world works. This is a great disadvantage to you. This gap has been brought forward to everyone’s doorsteps so you can once again learn to face the world in a real and connected way.

“The only way you can do this successfully is not through profound deepening fear, but through courage. You need to take on the risks, those invisible risks that your mind imagines are everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Is it here? Is it not here?

“Reach out to Us as sacred living expressions that have sustained and guided humanity throughout time, empowering you to thrive and move forward. That’s what We’re bringing to you: not some esoteric concept, but real emotional presence and useful engagement. And if you learn to recognize your fears and say, ‘I’m just afraid. I simply don’t know,’ fear will diminish and you’ll see all of this more clearly. ”

—Grandfather Fire
Asheville, NC October 2020

Excerpted from Ignite, Issue 16

Over 25 years ago, the elemental Source of Fire began speaking through Don David Wiley, a tsaurririkame elder in the Huichol tradition of Mexico. “Grandfather Fire” has spoken with thousands of people who come to hear His guidance about meeting life’s challenges with courage and wisdom, so they can live lives of meaning and purpose.

  • Learn more about the phenomenon of Fire Speaks
  • Learn more about how Community Fires bring connection, healing and inspiration to people around the world.
  • Find your fire and consider participating in community fires in person or online.
  • Learn more about the mission of the international Sacred Fire organization

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