More practices for reconnection, inspiration and rejuvenation

Did you appreciate the new tools you received in the first “Courage for Couples” workshop in March? Then you won’t want to miss More Courage for Couples, a follow-up webcast that is OPEN TO EVERYONE.


In the first webinar of our three-part series leading up to October’s Courage for Couples Weekend, Dusty and Christine introduced Purpose, Passion, Power and Courage as keystones of healthy, supportive relationships.

In our second webinar, the Staubs focus on the importance of clear, heart-centered communication. The “what, when and how” of courageous conversations will be introduced with plenty of opportunities for group participation, exploration and sharing.

Register now to participate in this no-fee webcast—and mark your calendar for the third and final web events, scheduled for August 29th.


These 90-minute introductory programs help you relate with your partner in new says. They are just a  taste of what you’ll experience during the full Courage for Couples Retreat Weekend, October 15-17, 2021, when Dusty and Christine are facilitate a full two-day immersive program at Deer Thicket Sanctuary, in Greensboro, North Carolina (USA).


You’ll get well-tested practices that benefit all relationships and partnerships

Dusty and Christine recently celebrated their 33rd wedding anniversary. They consider their marriage a “work in progress” and agree that they have learned the most from supporting each other through respective rough patches. They are the parents of three young adult children and have two precocious grandchildren. The Staubs are both initiated Sacred Fire Firekeepers and have been holding community fires since 2005. Hosted by Sacred Fire LifeWays Director Sherry Boatright, the session will feature an experiential exercise, discussion, and Q & A.

This is a no-fee event. Because donations make events like this and others possible, please consider making a contribution to honor the experience you will receive.
Registration is required.


For more information email



Registration for the June 23rd webinar is now open.

Register Now


7:00 – 8:30 pm EST


This course is being offered as a gift to the Sacred Fire community. Your donations make events like this and others possible. Please consider making a donation in the spirit of exchange for what you’ll receive during our time together.

For more information

For more information, contact Sherry Boatright at

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