Come for Grandfather Fire Speaks
or join us for a full weekend that includes the Story of Mt. Monadnock


What would you like to know about life? About yourself?
The powerful, mysterious essence of Fire is one of the world’s first and greatest teachers. Bring your questions. Grandfather cuts through doubt, confusion and illusion and delivers tried-and-true ways to find connection, compassion, learning, growth and healing.

After the general Fire Speaks event, Grandfather Fire will tell the Story of Mt Monadnock to those who have prepared in the traditional way.  Arrive Saturday the 3rd  and stay until Monday morning to be part of the full weekend event, including a sweat lodge purification to meet Grandfather’s requirement for hearing the story. Lodging and food available onsite.

Release your expectations and open your heart to Divine guidance

Grandfather Fire’s stories and lessons about the dynamic interplay of Heart and Mind have helped people find a new way to relate to the world and its challenges. He’s wise, funny, provoking and astonishingly insightful. This event brings people guidance and antidotes to the confusion and disconnection that can arise when people drift away from living from the heart.

For over 20 years, Grandfather Fire—called “Tatewari” by Mexico’s Indigenous Huichol people—has been sharing teachings, sacred stories and life guidance with people all over the world. Find out more information about this phenomenon here.

Grandfather Fire has been a friend and teacher to humans for 800,000 years. Spending an evening with Him can be a life-changing event. You are invited to come sit around a sacred fire and receive Grandfather Fire’s wisdom and counsel as He answers our questions.


“What you experience with Grandfather is like an education for your soul.”

“Wow, there were so many things I liked, and that I am still processing and absorbing. I liked the pace of the event, the location and the care that was given to all the participants. Thank you for sharing this experience!”


The Sacred Story of Mt. Monadnock

Grandfather Fire requires that those who wish to hear the Story of Mt. Monadnock prepare themselves to receive this sacred story in a very special way.

Everyone who registers for and attends the Fire Speaks event will be present for Grandfather’s guidance about life, relationships, and healing. But in order to hear the story, you will want to join us for the full weekend event Sept. 3-5 for a preparatory sweat lodge ritual, which is required for those who hear the sacred story.

Sweat lodge participants must be 18+ years old. To learn more about the sweat lodge and what to expect please READ THIS before you register.



Sacred Fire is committed to ensuring the health and safety of our event attendees, volunteers and their families. This event will comply with all local Covid restrictions, which may include limited seating. For additional guidelines read our procedures)



Registration is open

Register Now


Saturday, September 3

  • 11:00 am    Arrival & Check In
  • 12:00 pm    Lunch
  • 4:30 pm      Light Dinner
  • 7:00 pm      Gather for sweat lodge

Sunday, September 4

  • 9:00 am      Breakfast
  • 10:00 am    Preparation for Fire Speaks doing your assigned volunteer job
  • 1:00 pm      Lunch
  • 2:00 pm      Arrival & Check In.
  • 3:30 pm      Gather around the fire and prepare our ritual space for the evening.
  • 4:30 pm      Orientation; the Story of Fire and Humans, and Q and A.
  • 5:30 pm      Evening meal
  • 7:15pm       Gather around the fire for the Audience with Grandfather.

Monday, September 5

  • 9:00 am     Breakfast
  • 10:30 am   Gather at the Fire to review Grandfather’s Teachings
  • 12:00 pm   Departure


Fire Speaks day visitor, evening event and dinner—$155/Adult

14 & under $25/child

Fire Speaks evening with tenting/dinner/breakfast—$255/Adult

14 & under $90/child

Weekend event with tenting/meals — $395/Adult
(includes Sweat Lodge, General Audience & the Story)

*14 & under $180/child

Weekend event with indoor lodging/meals —$445/Adult
(includes Sweat Lodge, General Audience & the Story)

*14 and under $210/child

*Participants 18 and under and those who did not attend the sweat lodge will be dismissed after the general audience with GrandFather. Those who participated in the sweat lodge will then remain to hear the story of Mt Monandnock.

Included meals are vegetarian. Meat to go with meals (carnivore option) is available for an extra fee.

For more information

For more information, contact Chris Griffin at

Hosting Firekeeper(s): Chris Griffin

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