The Sacred Fire communities of New England welcome you to attend a special Fire Speaks Weekend , featuring the sacred Story of Mt. Monadnock


This three-day, three-night event—held at the base of Mt. Monadnock,  will be a special opportunity to deeply engage with sacred teachings, traditional ceremonies and ancestral spirits of the land. During our time together we will connect heart-to-heart as we bring forth and participate in a ceremonial sweat lodge, a healing and purifying ritual known to the ancestors of all cultures as a way to cleanse and renew one’s body, mind and spirit.

Held in a safe and sacred way, this ancient rite will prepare us to receive a very special story: the Story of Mt. Monadnock. This story comes to us from the “time before time,” from the very beginnings of the lands and waters and peoples of what we now call New Hampshire. The Spirit of Fire—also known as Grandfather Fire in the Americas—was present at that time, as Fire has been present since the earliest moments of creation. Grandfather Fire will tell the story through his axihuatakame (ah-rreee-oo-aht-a-KA-meh), his “god-speaker-man,” Don David Wiley.

There was a time when all peoples lived in relationship with the living beings of nature. Mountains, rivers, plants and animals were known to have spirits that could offer gifts of healing, wisdom and nourishment. This story connects us to that time, and opens the possibility of once again engaging with this great being.

We know that not everyone will be able to participate in the Full Weekend Event. But everyone is invited to join us for the Fire Speaks audience with Grandfather Fire. On Saturday evening, we’ll gather together around the fire to ask Grandfather questions about our lives, concerns, hopes and dreams. And on Sunday morning at 10:30 am, everyone is invited to return to the fire ring to have a post-event discussion about what we experienced during Digesting Fire Speaks.

If you have attended a Fire Speaks event before, you know what a special time we have in store for you. If you are new to Fire Speaks, know that this event will be a unique and powerful time, a special opportunity to tap into the deep, ancient wisdom of Heart energy that Grandfather Fire shares with us. It is a time to receive guidance about how to find meaning and purpose in challenging times from one of the world’s first and greatest teachers.

For the past 20 years, Grandfather Fire has been sharing teachings, sacred stories and life guidance with people all over the world. He cuts through doubt, confusion and illusion with a long-view perspective that delivers tried-and-true ways to find connection, compassion, learning, growth and healing. He’s wise, funny, provoking and astonishingly insightful.

Find out more information about the Grandfather Fire phenomenon here.

Package One: The Full Weekend Event

Meals and Lodging included Thursday dinner – Sunday lunch

Arrive Thursday at 5 pm for dinner. Friday we’ll work together to build and participate in the sweat lodge. Saturday we will complete preparations for the Fire Speaks event and welcome those who arriving to attend the evening’s audience with Grandfather.  After the Fire Speaks general audience, in the early hours of Sunday morning, Grandfather will tell the Story of Mount Monadnock. Sunday we rise for breakfast and the Digesting Fire Speaks discussion about what we’ve experienced.

Please note: you must be at least 18 years old to participate in the sweat lodge. Other restrictions may apply. For complete sweat lodge information, please download this PDF.

Package Two: Fire Speaks Audience with Grandfather Fire with dinner, overnight lodging and breakfast Sunday morning.

Package Three: The Fire Speaks Audience with Grandfather Fire. Dinner is included.

For those purchasing Package Two or Three arrive at 1 pm to get settled, relax and socialize. Attend the event Orientation and hear the Story of Humans and Fire. Have dinner and gather around the fire and ceremonially prepare the space to welcome Grandfather Fire. Perhaps you’ll ask a question during Grandfather’s time with us. You’ll certainly hear answers to others’ questions that you’re certain apply to you.

At a point late in the evening, Grandfather will close the Fire Speaks audience. You’ll offer Grandfather a cigar in gratitude for your time together and make your way to your lodging or transportation. Those who have received purification in the sweat lodge ceremony will stay around the fire with Grandfather to hear the Story of Mt. Monadnock.

Everyone who attends the Fire Speaks audience with Grandfather Fire is invited to join us Sunday morning from 10:30 to 12:30 around the fire for Digesting Fire Speaks. This optional discussion about people’s experiences, questions and learnings from Fire Speaks is included in both packages.


The location hosting this retreat and Fire Speaks event, Camp Wanocksett) is spacious and requires a moderate amount of walking between the camping areas, the fire tent and the dining hall.

If you have concerns about your attendance please contact Lois Hurley at

Register Here


Click here for the detailed event schedule



Arrive 5 pm Thurs Aug 24 – Depart mid-day Sun Aug 27

Includes Meals and Lodging for 3 days/3 nights, Sweat Lodge preparation and purification, Fire Speaks audience, Story of Mt Monadnock and Digesting Fire Speaks



Arrive Sat at 1 pm, leave the Fire but stay on the grounds after the Fire Speaks General Audience, optional participation in Digesting Fire Speaks on Sunday

Includes Dinner Sat, Fire Speaks Audience,  One Night Lodging, Breakfast Sun and optional Digesting Fire Speaks




Arrive Sat at 1 pm, depart after the Fire Speaks General Audience, option to return Sunday for Digesting Fire Speaks

Includes Dinner, Fire Speaks Audience, Digesting Fire Speaks



DIGESTING FIRE SPEAKS—Sunday 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

Optional discussion about people’s experiences, questions and learnings from Fire Speaks




Arrive 5 pm Thurs Aug 24 – Depart mid-day Sun Aug 27

Adults 18 and over only – $325

Includes Meals and Lodging for 3 days/3 nights, Sweat Lodge preparation and purification, Fire Speaks audience, Story of Mt Monadnock and Digesting Fire Speaks

Tenting or Cabin & meals included. You must be at least 18yrs + to participate in the sweat lodge.



Saturday Aug 26-27, arrive 1 pm

Adult $195  Children 14 & younger $85

Includes a delicious and hearty dinner plus Fire Speaks audience with Grandfather Fire and Digesting Fire Speaks. Also includes Lodging Saturday Night and Breakfast Sunday

This is primarily tenting. If cabins are available when you arrive for the event we can upgrade you. This will also be first-come, first-served.

To be put on the cabin list, check the cabin box when you register for Fire Speaks Overnight. Registration for a cabin is no guarantee of receiving a cabin. Come prepared to tent. We will not know if a cabin will be available until the day of the event.



Saturday, August 26, arrive 1 pm

Adult $175. Children 6 to 14 – $30,

Children 5 & under: No charge. 

Includes a delicious and hearty dinner plus Fire Speaks audience with Grandfather Fire and Digesting Fire Speaks.

For more information

For more information, contact Chris Griffin & Jane Wollack at

Hosting Firekeeper(s): Chris Griffin

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