Experiences in early childhood (birth to 4-5 years old) have a profound impact on our lives. For this LifeWays offering – the first in a series exploring the nine stages of Life Cycle Living – we’ve invited Lisa Weiner, faculty member of the Neufeld Institute, to talk about how to nurture the “roots of attachment” in our youngest children.
Neufeld’s Attachment Roots Model provides us with a map for understanding and cultivating ever deepening attachment with those we love throughout the life span. In addition to helping us support the development of the human spirit in our young people, this insightful tool helps us discover where we ourselves may have had breakdowns in the quality of our connection in those early years and what is needed for mending.
February 9th, 3:00 – 4:30 pm ET (Americas)
For more information
For more information, contact Sherry Boatright at sacredfirelifeways@sacredfire.org