Thriving Life — online
featuring Patricia McCabe
Sunday, Feb. 26 | 2:00-4:00 pm Eastern (Americas)
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Thriving Life
Re-Orienting Ourselves to InterBeing
Two 2-Hour Program with Patricia McCabe, Dine’ Wise Woman
We humans are a part of this woven web of nature. But many of us have not been brought up to experience life in this way.
Instead, popular culture seems to encourage us to become Masters of the Universe. But at what cost? Could encouraging dominance over nature and each other be a source of society’s increasing levels of loneliness, stress, overwhelm and isolation, especially among today’s young people?
The modern cultural paradigm of non-stop linear progress, winning at all costs, and never-ending expansion is unsustainable. It’s time to embrace accountability, co-operation and collaboration for our families, work teams and community relationships. It’s time to uphold the honor of being human.
The solution is to look to Nature, where resiliency, adaptability, patience and inner knowing are modeled for us by the wise waters, landforms, and beings of the four corners and seven directions of creation.
Pat McCabe (Weyakpa Najin Win, Woman Stands Shining) is a Diné (Navajo) mother, grandmother, activist, artist, writer, ceremonial leader, and international speaker. She draws upon the Indigenous sciences of Thriving Life to reframe questions about sustainability and balance, and how we support the next generations—both the Women’s Nation and Men’s Nation—in being functional members of the “Hoop of Life.”
Pat calls experiencing this woven web of Nature InterBeing. It’s a contrasting approach to seeing and being in the world, a real sea-change toward releasing the popular legacy cultural paradigm of people exerting “power over” others to achieve their goals.
In this two-program offering, Pat will present the Thriving Life paradigm, which re-orients people toward InterBeing. These two programs are presented together as a series, or participants can choose to attend a single program individually.
Program 1 – Sunday, February 19
Thriving Life on the Sacred Hoop
How do we sense ourselves as being a part of Nature?
- Step into InterBeing
- The case for other ways of “knowing” apart from the intellect
- Trusting “what is going on around us”
- The case for ceremony
Program 2- Sunday, February 26
Thriving Life: Sacred Feminine, Sacred Masculine
Releasing an untapped resource of deep medicine
- Embracing InterBeing
- The Feminine and the Masculine design and sustainability
- What can happen if we dismantle what we think we know
- Gender energetics through the lens of the ‘power over’ paradigm
“In this time of profound paradigm shift, part of my gift is articulating dream, symbols, and juxtaposition as a bridge and guide toward Thriving Life Way.”
—Pat McCabe
Pat was born to a People who have deep understanding and methodology for restoration, and she carries the Thriving Life into places where it has formerly been kept out. She shares her understanding of Indigenous ways of knowing by making the case for how to sense ourselves as being part of Nature. Her work is driven by the study of the Science of Right Relations and she is an active participant in Indigenous Peoples gatherings worldwide, most recently in Chile, Belgium, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, India, Sri Lanka, Bali and in the U.S.
Her primary focus of work at the moment is:
- The reconciliation between the masculine and feminine, Men’s Nation and Women’s Nation
- Remembering, recreating or creating anew a narrative for the Sacred Masculine
- Addressing the Archetypal Wounding that occurred in our misunderstanding and abuse of technology in prayer, ceremony and science
Pat McCabe, Woman Stands Shining, is of the Diné Nation (often known incorrectly as “Navajo), and was also adopted into the Lakota Spiritual way of Life. She is a mother, grandmother, activist, artist, and international speaker. She identifies as a “radical bridger” of worlds and paradigms, with a focus on sharing from her own deep inquiry into Thriving Life Paradigm: “How do I become that being, that human, whose presence and way of being supports and causes all other life to Thrive?” She calls upon her lived experience from her indigenous cultures to make hypotheses and proposals to “Modern World Paradigm” as all of humanity is faced with its current crisis of relationship, with ourselves, with each other, and with the Earth.
Can’t attend the live events? No worries. Your registration fee includes access to the program recordings.
Register HereSchedule
Program 1:
Thriving Life on the Sacred Hoop
How do we sense ourselves as being a part of Nature?
Program 2:
Thriving Life: Sacred Feminine, Sacred Masculine
Releasing an untapped resource of deep medicine
Please log in 5-10 minutes early to ensure that your connection is working.
$50 Fee includes both programs and the program recordings whether or not you can attend the live event.
$30 Fee includes one program and the program recording whether or not you can attend the live event.
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