Over 25 years ago, the spiritual essence of Fire began speaking through don David Wiley, a tsaurririkame elder in the Huichol tradition of Mexico. Today, “Grandfather Fire” speaks with people around the world who come to hear His guidance about meeting life’s challenges with heart and wisdom. These events are called Fire Speaks.
At a Fire Speaks event, Grandfather Fire’s words are “felt” as much—or more—than they are “heard.” We present His words below, formatted as a poem, to help readers who have never been to a Fire Speaks event get a better feel for what that very special ceremonial experience is like.
People often do not know
When they’re afraid!
Like a fish in the ocean…
That doesn’t see the water.
And the curious thing is that people
Do not want to be told that they are afraid.
A second thing about fear:
The energy of fear has tremendous limitations.
It will not solve your problems.
It will not solve practically anything
Without a lot of consequences.
It is a very narrow energy.
Fear guides you back
To answers from the past,
Answers that did not work back then.
People with limited responses
Are fearful people.
This outlook creates a great setting
For destructive energy and the energy of anger.
You gather so many material goods around you
In order to “enjoy yourselves.”
You limit your options by surrounding
Yourselves with definitions of what you can do.
As opposed to Mexico, for instance.
The people there don’t have much,
But they enjoy themselves.
They dance and laugh, enjoying
Their neighbors.
Their options for enjoying life are greater.
In the States you have a culture
That promotes fear.
Fear promotes control.
Control promotes what the culture “wants.”
Indulgence in fear produces more fear
And it spirals in that direction.
You first have to be aware of
When you’re afraid
And when you are hosting fear.
The act of being aware, in and
Of itself, cracks the door
So I can get in there and offer
Guidance and understanding through
Your Heart voice.
—Grandfather Fire
Excerpted from Ignite, Issue 1