Fire Speaks
Grandfather Fire’s wisdom brings relationship, healing and connection to difficult times.
What would you like to know about life? About yourself?
The powerful, mysterious essence of Fire is one of the world’s first and greatest teachers.
Spending an evening with Grandfather at a Fire Speaks event is a unique experience. You can ask your most pressing questions—about life’s mysteries, about your biggest concerns. He’ll show you who you are—and your place in the natural world—in an entirely new way.
Grandfather’s teachings about living a life of Heart has helped thousands find clarity and courage to meet life’s challenges and discover the joy of true connection.
Grandfather Fire is wise, funny, provoking, and profoundly insightful.
Fire Speaks is unlike any other event you’ve ever attended.
Read quotes from Grandfather Fire, transcribed at various Fire Speaks events, in our online archive, Grandfather Fire’s Wisdom
“It was an awesome first-time event for me.”
“While Grandfather was talking to everybody, my own personal stuff was also being addressed. It was like Grandfather could look right through me.”
“I was deeply and profoundly touched by Grandfather Fire.”
“For days after, I kept having these intense visualizations of fire, and I was able to really “feel” the spirit of fire, as something beyond simple burning wood and instead a primeval creative essence. The whole experience seemed to have set a seed deep in my psyche.”
“I am still basking in the afterglow of the day. I have no words for it—only feelings.”
Watch this video to learn about “The Grandfather Phenomenon”
Traditional cultures throughout the Americas have long known Fire to be a wise and loving presence. Many Aboriginal and First Nations peoples call the Spirit of Fire Grandfather.
Although rarely seen in Western culture, “god-speakers” are not a unique occurrence. Many of the world’s respected and valued spiritual traditions feature traditional healers who become conduits for divine guidance. The Nechung oracle of the Dalai Lama is a well-known example.
During Fire Speaks events, traditional healer Don David Wiley lends his body to the Spirit of Fire so that ancient knowledge of the world and life’s purpose can be shared for the benefit of people everywhere.
“I’ve never felt what I felt at this fire before.”
“I don’t have words for how amazing it was!”
“Grandfather fire has called me to live more in my heart, to be open to so many possibilities, and most importantly, to always think how I can serve others. This ancient practice is both simple and profound.”
“His answer helped me more than the answer I was expecting.”
“It was also very meaningful for me to talk to people outside the normal sphere I communicate with. I’ve never been in a group of spiritual seekers like that before.”
Fire Speaks
with Don David Wiley, medium for the Spirit of Fire
April 19, 2025
Santa Monica, CA, USA