Gifts Arrive Unexpectedly

Oct 6, 2021

Over 25 years ago, the spiritual essence of Fire began speaking through don David Wiley, an elder in the Huichol Indian tradition of Mexico. Today, “Grandfather Fire” speaks with people around the world who come to hear His guidance about meeting life’s challenges with heart and wisdom. These events are called Fire Speaks. The following quote was captured at one of these events.

“In order to maintain a heart connection, feed it with openness in order to experience the joy that is always present.

“Joy is like a meta-emotion that other emotions are floating on. Joy is like a lake, and other emotions are like sailboats on the lake. An open heart has a lightness and a lack of attachment to emotion, so it is free to transform as it is expressed, not be held in a cage. Even fear can have a lightness, like clouds moving across the sky. Gifts arrive unexpectedly. Live life openly in order to experience the gifts that arrive.”

Excerpted from Heard Around the Fire, pages 10-11

Over 25 years ago, the elemental Source of Fire began speaking through Don David Wiley, a tsaurririkame elder in the Huichol tradition of Mexico. “Grandfather Fire” has spoken with thousands of people who come to hear His guidance about meeting life’s challenges with courage and wisdom, so they can live lives of meaning and purpose.

  • Learn more about the phenomenon of Fire Speaks
  • Learn more about how Community Fires bring connection, healing and inspiration to people around the world.
  • Find your fire and consider participating in community fires in person or online.
  • Learn more about the mission of the international Sacred Fire organization

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