“In early September, 2001, many of us were asked to gather people around a fire to talk about the potential of establishing a healing retreat center. Then, the unexpected happened—the al Qaeda attacks of 9/11. Suddenly, the focus shifted. It was much more important to express our feelings about what had happened, to share honestly about our lives in that vulnerable time.
“I, like many others, continued holding monthly fires. I was initiated as a Sacred Fire Firekeeper out of my desire to facilitate community, to hold a space in which we can know each other, see and be seen, listen and be heard in a way that is not generally available in our daily lives. When the Fire has been consecrated, I feel a powerful shift in energy—a deepening and settling that inspires more depth of sharing. For many of us, these Fires allow us to engage with Spirit in a way that feels alive, active and present. The Fire brings light and warmth into a world that often seems dark and cold.”
Jonathan Merritt
Portland, OR, USA