“The Peaceful Dying Project….was so helpful in connecting me with my feelings and fears regarding death and allowing me to share and express them…. I realized that I don’t have to do this alone – that by involving my loved ones, the process becomes easier for everyone. I discovered that the thread of community and heartfelt relationship extends into all corners of life experience, including death”
It’s been said, “Nobody gets out of here alive!”
Death is a reality we all face, yet, for most of us, it’s the scariest thing that could happen. Contemplating our perspectives and attitudes around death allows us to move through and resolve our conflicted feelings, both internally generated and inherited from those around us. When these feelings are felt and seen, we find that we intuitively know the natural role that death plays as part of life and are able to find a place of inner clarity, peace, and acceptance. Then, the process of dying can become a calm and nurturing transition to the next phase of existence.
The integration of these feelings allows us to anticipate the practical effects of our death on our families and our loved ones. The greatest gift we can give them is to have our affairs in order and to offer clear guidance for our last wishes, allowing them to grieve properly without being saddled with numerous unresolved legal, financial, and familial issues.
This program also helps participants to support the death process of others, since, in understanding what peaceful dying is, we can become more respectful and helpful to those who are in this final transition of life and to those who are close to them.
Meeting Death—A Conversation with Life
A weekend workshop exploring our feelings around death and helping us to appreciate this final stage of our lives to reveal its divine wisdom.
The Peaceful Dying Project
A virtual workshop where, in addition to working with our feelings around death, we also prepare for the more pragmatic aspects, including legal, financial, and familial issues.
Both of these programs establish a safe container to explore and reach a deeper resolution with our many feelings about the end of life.