Denise Findlay is a bi-cultural person of Indigenous Coast Salish and settler ancestry, proudly belonging to the Skwxwú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation), who has dedicated the last 20 years to travelling throughout British Columbia and across Canada working exclusively in Indigenous communities facilitating processes focused on collective healing. Denise’s work is strongly focused on de-centering experts where child and youth mental health is concerned and restoring dignity to the role the natural kinship circle plays in providing care to Indigenous children and youth. Denise is responsible for leading the development and implementation of Gathering Our Medicine, in collaboration with community-based advisory and working groups. She is currently undertaking a PhD. in Philosophy of Educational Practice and Theory at Simon Fraser University. She has been awarded a Social Sciences Humanities Resource Council Scholarship (Canadian Graduate Scholarship) for her ground-breaking research. For more about Denise visit