Sherry Boatright began practicing as a psychotherapist in 1984. In the late 90’s she answered a calling to an indigenous spiritual path that led to becoming an initiated “weatherworker” or Granicera in the Nahuatl tradition of the highlands of central Mexico. Later when a healing path was opened in the Nahua tradition, she undertook years of pilgrimage and training and was initiated as a Tepahtiani healer. It is this work that she offers today in service to people who seek deep healing.
In 2005 she became a Firekeeper for Sacred Fire and since then has been holding monthly community fires and women’s fires throughout the year. She serves Sacred Fire as Director of Lifeways producing a series of offerings that support community members throughout the natural transitions of the life cycle from birth, initiation and young adulthood, then through the transitions of adulthood and the transition to elderhood.