by Sharon Brown | May 15, 2023 | Sacred Fire Blog
“I started sitting around Fire with others in 2000, and was initiated as a Sacred Fire Firekeeper in 2005. In all these years I’ve only had to cancel at most three community fires, and one of those times was when my first daughter was born! “I continue to...
by Sharon Brown | May 15, 2023 | Sacred Fire Blog
“In early September, 2001, many of us were asked to gather people around a fire to talk about the potential of establishing a healing retreat center. Then, the unexpected happened—the al Qaeda attacks of 9/11. Suddenly, the focus shifted. It was much more...
by Sharon Brown | May 15, 2023 | Sacred Fire Blog
“I could never have imagined the impact Fire would have in my life. I began to train as a Sacred Fire Firekeeper around 2014, and was then initiated in December 2019. “The most massive change in that time has been that I no longer repress my feelings: I...
by Sharon Brown | May 15, 2023 | Sacred Fire Blog
“Over the last thirteen years, I have noticed a subtle shift in how I hold space for my community as a Sacred Fire Firekeeper. My focus is increasingly on the sacred nature of Fire, and how the consecration ritual we use helps me to embody the essence of Fire...
by Sharon Brown | May 15, 2023 | Sacred Fire Blog
“I was initiated as a Firekeeper in 2006. Now we’re in 9 countries. I’ve attended many Firekeeper gatherings in the United States, and these always help me deepen my skills and my relationship with our Fire Work, but we’ve never all come...
by Sharon Brown | May 15, 2023 | Sacred Fire Blog
“From the moment I received the divine calling to engage in this work, I felt an overwhelming joy and awe, but also some anxiety about fulfilling this huge role. I was initiated as a Firekeeper in 2019, just before the world went into lockdown. It would mean so...
by Sharon Brown | May 15, 2023 | Sacred Fire Blog
“Looking at the world stage, the two countries that hold the most nuclear weapons are at war with each other. That’s of critical, universal concern, creating fear and anger in people, whether those emotions are in conscious awareness or not. This is why the work...
by Sharon Brown | May 15, 2023 | Sacred Fire Blog
“It is hard to put into words why I felt called to be a Firekeeper. It just made sense. It gave my life context, a way to participate in my life, not just live it. Ultimately, I came to see how the relationship with Fire is something we humans know deep inside...
by Sharon Brown | May 15, 2023 | Sacred Fire Blog
“Our world needs connection, and building a relationship with Fire is a great place to start. When I woo a partner, I bring chocolate and flowers; it brings a smile to their face and slowly but surely I develop a deeper relationship. It is the same with Fire. I...
by Sacred Fire Editor | Nov 25, 2022 | Sacred Fire Blog
Sometimes, while I listen to what Grandfather is saying, I find myself agreeing and recognizing knowledge I already have or following closer during new learning I wish to absorb fully. The most inspiring teachings for me are the ones Grandfather gives about the...