Videos and Webcasts
Teachings, stories and lessons to inspire a rich and satisfying life
The Nature of Fire:
Fire and Humans
Sacred Fire founder David Wiley discusses the role of Fire in the life of human beings and why it is so important to our individual and social well-being..
Don David Wiley is a teacher, elder and a founder of Sacred Fire community. He is well-known in traditional circles as one who lends his body as a human vessel to be the “god-speaker man” for Grandfather Fire. He is a healer, ceremonialist, and ritual leader in two ancestrally related indigenous traditions from Mexico—the Huichol marakame path and the Quiapaquiz path of Nahuatl weather working.
Wisdom and Practical Guidance for Times of Tremendous Change
Part 1: A Perspective on Covid-19, Recorded April 12, 2020
Responding to a world that appeared swiftly and profoundly changed by the Covid-19 virus, Don David Wiley presented this Sacred Fire webcast on April 12, 2020. In it he gives context and perspective that frames these times in a way that is informed by humanity’s deeper connection to ancestral wisdom and spirit.
Sit back and listen with a curious mind and open heart.
Don David Wiley is a teacher, elder and a founder of Sacred Fire community. He is well-known in traditional circles as one who lends his body as a human vessel to be the “god-speaker man” for Grandfather Fire. He is a healer, ceremonialist, and ritual leader in two ancestrally related indigenous traditions from Mexico—the Huichol marakame path and the Quiapaquiz path of Nahuatl weather working.
Covid-19 and the Natural World
Part 2: A Q & A about the nature of Nature
A follow-up discussion to Wisdom and Practical Guidance for Times of Tremendous Change, Don David Wiley hosted a webinar on April 12, 2020 to answer questions from attendees. In this recording, he gives context and perspective that frames these times in a way that is informed by humanity’s deeper connection to ancestral wisdom and spirit.
Sit back and listen with a curious mind and open heart.
Don David Wiley is a teacher, elder and a founder of Sacred Fire community. He is well-known in traditional circles as one who lends his body as a human vessel to be the “god-speaker man” for Grandfather Fire. He is a healer, ceremonialist, and ritual leader in two ancestrally related indigenous traditions from Mexico—the Huichol marakame path and the Quiapaquiz path of Nahuatl weather working.