What Blocks Your Balance?

Sep 2, 2021


“Knowing balance is something that you are born with, it is part of you, like a recognition, or a knowing.

“Therefore, there is something easy about it. You have to find out what the block is that prevents you from recognizing where the balance is and moving toward it. In this particular culture, fear is the main thing. You reduce or remove the fear, and you will notice that a great deal of balance will rise up in your life.

“If you have been living in a place that is out of balance, there will, of course be some corrections, especially if you have been living in fear.  Like a fish in water, the fish doesn’t see the water, however it is a medium surrounding it all the time. As the ego mind dissolves, there will be a natural response, and that is balance.  You will not require a description or explanation. You will se the potential already existing, pushing against everything else in your life.

“When you move one thing out the way, another movement will automatically happen. Things come to rest. Just like pouring a glass of water on the floor. It’s a part of the natural physics. Water will spread itself until everything is in balance. You don’t have to teach the water to do that, it is a natural condition, a living effect. That is when about the living energies as ‘the Gods'”.

Excerpted from Heard Around the Fire, page 24

Over 25 years ago, the elemental Source of Fire began speaking through Don David Wiley, a tsaurririkame elder in the Huichol tradition of Mexico. “Grandfather Fire” has spoken with thousands of people who come to hear His guidance about meeting life’s challenges with courage and wisdom, so they can live lives of meaning and purpose.

  • Learn more about the phenomenon of Fire Speaks
  • Learn more about how Community Fires bring connection, healing and inspiration to people around the world.
  • Find your fire and consider participating in community fires in person or online.
  • Learn more about the mission of the international Sacred Fire organization

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