About Sacred Fires
Transform your life—
through the gift of Fire.
Every month, people around the world participate in one of humanity’s oldest traditions—gathering around a sacred fire.
Community fires offer a welcoming place for everyone to be who we are—human beings with concerns, inspirations, passions and life challenges.
These monthly gatherings are hosted by Firekeepers trained in the time-honored principles of Fire Work—how to expand and enrich our connections, relationships and healing through Fire. Coming together in this way is an ancient “alternative medicine” that opens an opportunity for personal, community and global transformation.
Sacred Fire reignites this tradition today.
What people say about sacred fires…
“Sitting around the fire, in community with others, being witnessed, held, supported, and seen—is the safest I have ever felt.”
“The simplicity of the fires makes them accessible and their depth gradually becomes apparent. At times the experience is mysterious and deeply moving, and it has enriched my understanding of what prayer really is.”
Meet Director of Firekeeping Sylvia Law as she invites you to experience the gift of fire.
Find Your Fire
Sacred Fire hosts community fires throughout the North and Central America, the British Isles, and Australia. Search for your location on our interactive map, and find the fire nearest you!
Become a Firekeeper
The Path of Firekeeping offers a lifelong journey that transforms yourself, others, and the world through the gift of Fire. Through online and in-person facilitation training, apprenticeship and initiation, Firekeepers become skilled in holding sacred space and tending fire in a way that sparks purpose and meaning in people’s lives. Firekeepers share this gift monthly at community fires around the world.
Watch Sitting at the Sacred Fire
Firekeeper and poet Jonathan Merritt recounts a special evening around the fire, when a woman finds healing after receiving the strength and support she needs to release a painful memory.
What people say about sacred fires…
“I left the community fire lighter, freer, and more human, unburdened of the weight of what I’d been carrying and more connected to those around me…I was filled with the sense of having found a place where it’s okay to be as I am. ”
“The biggest impact the fires have blessed me with is the valuable tools that still help me in my day-to-day life a decade later. To put it simply: Remembering to listen to my heart and not believe everything that my mind has to say.”
Walking with Fire
with Lawrence Messerman
Sunday, January 26, 9-10:15 pm GMT | 4-5:15 pm ET | 1-2:15 pm PT
Practical Conversations for Living a Heart-Centered Life