Grandfather Fire speaks wisdom from the dawn of creation.
Ancient legends and sacred texts tell similar stories: when the human people faced tremendous challenges, Divine spirits would sometimes take physical form and offer the people guidance. Such a thing can be difficult for a Western mind to comprehend. But the pressures people face today have been building for a long time. From climate change to extreme social polarization to COVID, peoples’ need for guidance is so great it constitutes a “sacred essential.”
That’s why 20 years ago, the timeless essence of Fire began speaking to people everywhere through Don David Wiley, an elder medicine person in the Huichol tradition of Mexico. “Grandfather Fire” has spoken with thousands of people who come to hear timeless wisdom and guidance about how to approach life’s challenges with courage and inner balance. Grandfather’s counsel and teachings help people move beyond fear and confusion so they can live Heart-aware lives of meaning and purpose.
Here’s more information about Grandfather Fire, including a video about “The Grandfather Phenomenon.”
Living from Heart is a fundamentally different way of approaching the world.
Grandfather Fire’s stories and lessons about the dynamic interplay of Heart and Mind have changed the lives of people all over the world. He cuts through doubt, confusion and illusion with a long-view perspective that delivers tried-and-true ways to find connection, compassion, learning, growth and healing. He’s wise, funny, provoking and astonishingly insightful. Release your expectations and open your heart to divine guidance, from the source.
You are invited to attend only the Sunday, Sept. 5 audience with Grandfather Fire if you choose.
Grandfather Fire will tell the Story of Mt. Monadnock
as part of a special Labor Day Weekend event, September 3-6, 2021
For those called to hear this story, a special request is made:
one must receive purification by a sweat lodge within 24 hours of the storytelling.
- To meet this condition, those who wish to hear the Story of Mt. Monadnock will arrive the evening of Friday, September 3rd.
- Saturday September 4th, they will help build the lodge before participating in the sweat later in the day.
- Sunday September 5th is a day of relaxation and final preparation to receive those who have registered to spend time with Grandfather Fire during the general audience. During the fire, Grandfather will take questions from the audience. His answers will weave in ancient teachings and modern dynamics in a way that help everyone in attendance gain a new understanding of both themselves and the world we live in.
- Then, after the general audience comes to a close, those who have been purified through the sweat lodge will remain with Grandfather to hear the Story of Mt. Monadnock. They will camp for a third night, then leave after clean up on Monday September 6th.
See event housing, meal and pricing options below
COVID-19 has impacted all of us in many ways.
Sacred Fire is committed to doing our part to ensure the health and safety of our community, volunteers and their families. While NH does not have a mask mandate, state guidelines recommend indoor mask wearing, physically distancing, and hand washing. Our ceremony is outdoors with plenty of space to maintain physical distancing; hand sanitizer is available. We ask that you honor each other’s choices when it comes to wearing a mask.
Register NowSchedule
Fire Speaks: An Audience with Grandfather Fire
- Sunday, September 5, 2021 | 2:00 – midnight
The Story of Mt. Monadnock follows the General Audience with Grandfather Fire. Note: the full weekend event, including the sweat, is for 15 years old plus.
- Friday, September 3 – arrive late in the day
- Saturday, September 4 – build the sweat lodge and purify later in the day
- Sunday, September 5 – attend the general audience and remain after its close to hear the Story of Mt. Monadnock
- Monday, September 6 – depart
Full Retreat- Sweat Lodge Experience + Adult Event + Overnight Lodging + All Meals ~ $395 Sept 3 – Sept 6. For ages 15 and over only.
If you are uncertain or unfamiliar with the physical demands of a sweat please contact Chris Griffin before registering at
Those participating in the sweat lodge are required to provide a negative COVID test from within 72 hours of arriving.
Fire Speaks- Adult Event + Overnight Lodging + 2 meals ~ $195 includes lodging with dinner/breakfast.
Fire Speaks- 14 and Under Event + Overnight Lodging + 2 meals~ $65 includes lodging with dinner/breakfast.
Fire Speaks- Adult Event Only with Early Registration Discount ~ $110 – ends August 8th (no lodging or meals)
Fire Speaks- Adult Event Only ~ $130 after August 8th (no lodging or meals)
Fire Speaks- 14 and Under Event Only – no charge (no lodging or meals)
For more information
For more information, contact Chris Griffin at
Hosting Firekeeper(s): Chris Griffin