Introductory Webcast #2:

More About LifeWork for Women

Are you exhausted from the extraordinarily demanding last year of working remotely, home-schooling, mothering, and societal conflict?

How about taking an hour for yourself to find some grounding and replenishment in the sacred feminine?

Join with us on August 1, 2021, for this experiential, free, one-hour webinar and tap into:

  • How would being in touch with the sacred feminine help in today’s world?
  • What do we as women offer naturally?
  • What nourishment are we needing at this time?

At the conclusion of this hour, begin to feel the tides turning.

  • Feel yourself reclaiming the gift that self-nurturing, relaxation and being yourself are to yourself, your home and the world.
  • Feel support and accompaniment as you walk toward greater honoring of your sacred feminine gifts and ways


The “More About LifeWork for Women” webcast offers an introduction to the themes, concerns, lessons and experiences you’ll find during the upcoming  LifeWork for Women’s Retreat at Blue Deer Center September 9-12, 2021. Learn more about this event and Register Here. 



Registration is now open.

Register Now


Sunday, August 1, 2021, 3:00-4:00 pm Eastern (US)

You will receive a link to the Zoom call in the days leading up to the event.

Please join the call ten minutes before start time in order to ensure your connection is complete.



This course is being offered as a gift to the Sacred Fire community. Your donations make events like this and others possible. Please consider making a donation in the spirit of exchange for what you’ll receive during our time together.

For more information

For more information, contact Sherry Boatright at

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