Living Life Aligned with Nature
A 4-Part LifeWays Series
Sunday June 6 &13 | 3:00-4:30 pm Eastern
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Explore a way of living rooted in nature’s timeless wisdom: Life Cycle Living
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Register for all four and get links to watch the ones you missed.
Part 1: Childhood’s Seeds for the Future
featuring Denise Findlay and Lisa Lichtig
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+ What is the role of the parents and the community of connection in developing the heart of the child?
+ What are the six sequential phases in the first six years of life that spontaneously develop the capacity for relationship and connection?
+ How do the deep roots of attachment established in life’s early years increase our ability to find nurturance and have a secure sense of self throughout our lives?
+ How does having a kinship circle of friends and family play a critical role in supporting parents as they are raising children?
Part 2: The Thundering Years of Adolescence
featuring Denise Findlay and Jessica de la O
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+ What is the natural instinct in parents that knows how to maintain their relationship and attachment to their adolescents even as the adolescent is forming peer attachments?
+ How does the parent maintain a relationship to the adolescent so that their child’s heart stays soft and the child still has the parental relationship as a place to go for comfort and support?
+ What happens when the parent becomes intimidated by the new stage the child has moved into?
+ How does nature move an adolescent to explore who they are and seek independence from their parents?
+ What is important for parents to be aware of today as adolescents are exploring their sexuality?
Part 3: What it Means to be an Adult
featuring David Wiley and Sherry Boatright
Sunday, June 6 | 3:00 – 4:30 pm EST
+ What does it mean to say ‘Everything is Spirit and therefore Sacred”?
+ How do we nurture an interdependent social reality that embraces awareness of others beyond one’s self?
+ Can young adults find the potential blessings in choices that may involve risk and significant consequences?
+ Life is complex, full of pain, suffering and wonderment. How do we find our essence, purpose and meaning?
+ Why must we acknowledge and integrate the dark, destructive side of our own human nature?
+ How have ancestral peoples approached life’s unknowns and challenges to produce a fruitful future?
Part 4: The Role of the Elder in Community
featuring Barry Williams
Sunday, June 13 | 3:00 – 4:30 pm EST
+ As we age, how do we embody true eldership without having established models in our culture?
+ After a busy life in Western culture, how can we move from active “doing” to reside more in “being”?
+ How can we model appreciation and gratitude for what is, and surrender and open to grace as we age?
+ Can we use recognition, mentoring and blessing to help others evoke their gifts if we’ve had no established mentors and guides?
+ How do we work toward the good of the whole without established cultural pathways to support us?
Every stage of life has special gifts and particular challenges. When we’re fully aligned with life’s natural phases, we’re more able to feel at home in ourselves and in the world, full of life’s meaning and purpose.
These webcasts will expand your awareness of the cycles of a human life to benefit your self, family, friends and community.
Since there’s no playbook for navigating these life transitions in modern society, people often pass through these phases unaware, distracted and unengaged with the innate rhythm of who they are. While people today lack place-based cultural rituals and suffer from the diminishment of traditional lifeways, we can still tap into an innate knowing about how to connect as part of the living world. Learn significant perspectives that have been in the practices of indigenous cultures and are now being validated by science.
Our four panels of outstanding elders, experts and teachers will guide you through the four major stages of life transitions.
No matter where you are in your life stages currently, you’ll receive helpful insights into these life questions:
+ What sets the stage for a child’s ability to form relationship and develop a secure sense of self?
+ How we might heal as an adult if our childhood had insufficient parenting or if we have not effectively moved through earlier stages of development?
+ What does it mean to reconcile ourselves as both a parent and as an individual if we provided incomplete caregiving to our children during their life stages?
+ How might we discover the life stages where we have deficits and how we can work to heal them no matter what age we are today?
There’s a way you understand your life that’s not presented in Western culture. It’s something you intrinsically know, buried in your DNA, in your heart. Deep down, you recognize that as human beings we are part of nature and part of a greater, grander scheme of the world’s life cycle. What piece are you here to bring? What fulfillment of purpose will help move yourself, your loved ones, and the world along into an unknown future?
Find out during this special webcast series.
Barry Williams M.Div., Psy.D. is a Diplomate Jungian Analyst and along with his wife and late child is a mara ákâme (traditional healer) in the tradition of the Huichol people of central Mexico. He lives in the southern Rocky Mountains near Taos, NM. Barry will offer a perspective on eldership that weaves together insights from Swiss psychiatrist and scholar Carl Jung along with what he has learned from various indigenous elders he has been privileged to know.
Don David Wiley is a teacher, elder and a founder of Sacred Fire community. He is well-known in traditional circles as one who lends his body as a human vessel to be the “god-speaker man” for Grandfather Fire. He is a healer, ceremonialist, and ritual leader in two ancestrally related indigenous traditions from Mexico—the Huichol mara ákame path and the Quiapaquiz path of Nahuatl weather working.
Jessica De la O has been serving youth and young adults since she herself was a young adult. As a collage administrator for 28 years, she guided young adults toward the completion of their college degree. After completing a doctorate in education, she developed and offered a rites of passage program for adolescent girls, then followed guidance from the wisdom of the plants who called her toward a larger dream of service.
Jessica trained in Plant Spirit Medicine and was inducted as a Lay Spiritual Healer in the Temple of Sacred Fire Healing in 2015, and currently offers plant spirit medicine in Carrollton, Georgia. As a long-time community leader with Sacred Fire, she guides and supports young women through their initiation into adulthood, and she also serves as an initiated Firekeeper who holds space at community fires for people to experience the wisdom and healing that comes from sitting by a sacred fire..
Lisa Lichtig
A traditional shamanic healer and devoted student of Grandfather Fire for 25 years, Lisa is also a physician, firekeeper and mother. Lisa serves community as a Mara’akame (healer and ritual leader in the Wixarika Tradition) and as a Firekeeper for Sacred Fire hosting monthly community fires, Womens’ fires and specialty fires. She and her husband are keepers of one of Grandfather Fires oldest consecrated hearths within Sacred Fire. They have had the honor and responsibility of hosting numerous Fire Speaks events – ensuring Grandfather’s wisdom and perspective is offered and available to everyone. Lisa also serves on the Sacred Fire Women’s Initiation Council, which offers a formal process to guide adolescent girls and young women into adulthood. She lives on a beautiful knoll in North Carolina with her husband, Patrick and carries the scent of fire wherever she roams.
Sherry Boatright began practicing as a psychotherapist in 1984. In the late 90’s she answered a calling to an indigenous spiritual path that led to becoming an initiated “weatherworker” or Granicera in the Nahuatl tradition of the highlands of central Mexico. Later when a healing path was opened in the Nahua tradition, she undertook years of pilgrimage and training and was initiated as a Tepahtiani healer. It is this work that she offers today in service to people who seek deep healing.
In 2005 she became a Firekeeper for Sacred Fire and since then has been holding monthly community fires and women’s fires throughout the year. She serves Sacred Fire as Director of Lifeways producing a series of offerings that support community members throughout the natural transitions of the life cycle from birth, initiation and young adulthood, then through the transitions of adulthood and the transition to elderhood.
Register for the series for $75 (USD) or select individual webcasts for $25 each.
When you register, you will have the option to “purchase all” or “purchase individually”.
Registration opens soon
Register NowSchedule
All webcasts are live on Zoom from 3:00 – 4:30 pm EST (USA)
If you are registered for an event, you can request access to the recorded webcast if you are unable to attend or would like to re-watch an episode. Registration is open for all events until Sunday, June 13.
Childhood’s Seeds for the Future—Sunday, May 16
The Thundering Years of Adolescence—Sunday, May 23
What it Means to be an Adult—Sunday, June 6
The Role of the Elder in Community—Sunday, June 13
Register for the series of four for $75 (USD) or select individual webcasts for $25 each.
When you register, you will have the option to “purchase all” or “purchase individually”.
If you are registered for an event you can request access to the recorded webcast if you are unable to attend or would like to re-watch an episode.
Sorry, but we are unable to extend refunds for registered events that you did not attend.
For more information
For more information, contact Sherry Boatright at