Navigating the Challenging Waves of Transition

Learning to trust change as an essential part of life

“What a great thing it was so to do the “Transitions” workshop! I remember saying to a fiend at the end how I didn’t really know if anything had happened even though I totally loved being there. I think it was only a week later that my father died. My friend said to me then: ‘do you still think nothing happened at the transitions workshop?’ I want to thank you for the magical and powerful nature of your work. It totally prepared me for what was to come – I was able to really throw myself into the process and the practices. What a gift. What a mystery!”


It’s part of the natural order of things to go through many periods of significant change in our lives. We move from childhood to adolescence. We find ourselves holding huge responsibilities as parents and householders. The unexpected loss of our youth, our job, a loved one, or our health can reframe every aspect of our lives in a way that can leave us disoriented and wondering what went wrong. Then, at the end of our lives, all of us are faced with saying goodbye to everything and everyone that is familiar to us.

It is natural to feel fear and deep uncertainty as the assumptions and beliefs we have relied on for security and stability are tested and sometimes lose relevance altogether.

These major life movements come with challenges and gifts: grief as “the old” falls away, uncertainty as we face the lessons before us, and fresh promise as we awaken to “the new.” Often, we find little understanding or support for these natural changes.

In this program, offered as both an in-person weekend and a six-week tele-seminar, we look at the nature of transition and how we can navigate it with balance, awareness, and trust.

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