The spiritual essence of Fire has offered guidance to people since the dawn of humanity. These quotes come from Fire’s spoken expression through a “god-speaker-man,” Don David Wiley, a shaman and healer in the Huichol tradition of the western Sierra Madres.

Known as “Grandfather Fire,” this divine spirit offers guidance to help modern people reconnect with their own spiritual center, the Heart. Grandfather Fire makes public appearances to share this wisdom at Fire Speaks events around the world.

How To Pray

How To Pray

"When praying for support, bring yourself in—into the asking, into the inquiry at that Spirit doorway—bring that feeling that something is at stake....

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You Belong Here

You Belong Here

Ceremonies to help you stay connected to that divine movement in life, to help you feel that you belong here, you are a part of it, that you feel a...

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Beyond Sustainability

Beyond Sustainability

"Your cultural model is not sustainable. If this isn't how you define 'crisis,' I don't know what you call it! "You have already gone beyond...

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A World That Knows Itself

A World That Knows Itself

“When people want to re-balance themselves with their lives, they seek Nature. That’s because other-than-human-beings—unlike human beings—do only...

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