In our modern cultures that seem to worship eternal youth—that state of being that gives us permission to be in constant pursuit of our individual...
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Standing in the Mystery, Bringing Forth New Life
Sacred initiation is a doorway for a young person to become an adult, plain and simple. If done in a good way, a person participating in this ritual...
When the Earth Trembles and Burns
Erica Cohen was just wrapping up work in her garden when the earthquake started. She wasn't concerned at first. Tremors are common in her Mexican...
Turn, Turn, Turn
To everything (turn, turn, turn) There is a season (turn, turn, turn) And a time to every purpose, under heaven A time to be born, a time to die ...
The Earth Shook
In mid-September 2017, I was part of a group of people coming together in Tepoztlán, Mexico to attend an initiation ritual for our newest...